US India Predator Drone Sales Done American Congress Know MQ-9B Predator Drones Features

US India Predator Drone Sales Done American Congress Know MQ-9B Predator Drones Features

Predator Drone: The path has been cleared for India to receive MQ-9B Predator drone from America. The US State Department has told Predator drone manufacturing company ‘General Atomic’ that the US Congress has passed the ‘tiered review’ of 31 MQ-9B drones to be sold to India. The US Foreign Ministry has said that a notification in this regard will be issued by the US Congress in the next 24 hours.

According to the report of Hindustan Times, ‘General Atomic’ has also informed the Indian government regarding the drone sale. Besides, Indian security establishments have also been informed about the drone sale. American sources have said that even though the Indian government has maintained silence in this regard, a notification in this regard will be issued on Thursday (February 1). Prime Minister last year Narendra Modi During D.C.’s visit to Washington, a deal worth $3 billion was signed between India and America for 31 drones.

Will drones be handed over to three armies?

According to the information received, out of the 31 drones that India will receive, 15 will be handed over to the Indian Navy, while the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force are going to get eight drones each. The Indian Navy is already operating 2 Predator drones from Rajali Airbase in Tamil Nadu, which have been taken on lease from America. Through this, the Navy is conducting surveillance in the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea, where it has to deal with missiles from Houthi rebels and Somali pirates.

What is the specialty of Predator drone?

  • Predator drone is an ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’ (UAV), that is, it is operated remotely. In simple language, this drone is controlled through remote.
  • Missiles can be deployed in the MQ-9B Predator drone, through which it can accurately target enemy targets.
  • There are two variants of the MQ-9B Predator drone, one of which is SkyGuardian and the other is SeaGuardian.
  • The Indian Navy has been using the MQ-9B SeaGuardian since 2020.
  • The MQ-9B drone can fly continuously for 35 hours in the air, due to which it can be used for long-term surveillance.
  • Predator drone has the capacity to carry 5,670 kg and its fuel capacity is 2721 kg.
  • Predator drone can operate up to a height of 40 thousand feet. It is capable of flying even with 450 kg bombs.
  • This drone is also effective during land, maritime surveillance, anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, strike, electronic warfare.
  • The Predator Drow is also capable of automatic take-off and landing and can be operated both day and night.

Also read: How MQ-9B drone will destroy China’s lives in the sea, know how dangerous is the American Predator

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